
How Can a Divorce Attorney Help You?

Having an experienced divorce attorney by your side can be life-changing during a divorce. A skilled lawyer can safeguard your rights and interests, especially when dealing with complex property or child custody matters.

Ask potential attorneys how much of their practice is devoted to divorce cases. You also should find out how they would approach your case.

Child support

Child support is designed to help parents provide for their children’s basic needs. This includes a portion of each parent’s gross income for medical expenses (including annual checkups and emergency room visits) and educational costs such as tuition, books, and school supplies. It also covers childcare costs such as nannies, babysitters, and daycare.

divorce attorney can help determine how much to expect in child support payments. The court will consider both parties’ combined monthly income, the number of overnight stays each parent has with the children and other factors.

It’s essential to have an attorney who understands that a divorce case is a sensitive issue and acts with empathy throughout the process. An empathetic attitude is essential when discussing financial issues.

Child custody

A reasonable divorce attorney will have empathy and understand the sensitive nature of child custody. A seasoned lawyer will know that parents usually want a custody arrangement that is in the best interest of their children.

Generally, courts prefer that both parents be involved in the life of their children and will grant either joint legal or shared custody. When parents share joint legal custody, they collaborate to make decisions for their children, and both participate in their daily needs and care. If one parent gets sole legal custody, the child lives with this person permanently, and the other has access rights.

In contested cases, a judge may order an evaluation by a forensic expert to determine what is in the child’s best interests. This expert will interview the children and parents, conduct tests, and make observations.

Spousal support

The end of a marriage often leaves one spouse struggling to pay the bills. Spousal support, or alimony, is money a court orders one spouse to pay the other to help make the difference.

The length and amount of alimony depend on each spouse’s financial situation and the duration of the marriage. Courts use a guideline calculator to determine how much spousal support should be. They also have broad discretion to deviate from the guidelines.

Reimbursement support differs from other types of spousal support because it’s not tied to financial need. Instead, it’s designed to compensate a spouse who sacrificed a professional career or education for the family’s sake. Reimbursement support usually lasts until the supported spouse remains unemployed or at least until they obtain a job that pays the same or more.

Property division

An attorney will help identify the couple’s assets and determine their value. This can include homes, cars, jewelry, stocks, art, business interests, and more. Often, complex assets like small businesses will need an expert valuation.

Ideally, spouses can agree on how to divide their property. A lawyer can help negotiate the details so that a judge is not needed to make these decisions. This can speed up the divorce process and minimize future conflict between the parties. Having an experienced attorney by your side is essential.

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